
Submit Event

Submit an event to our community calendar to get free publicity for your event! Fill out the fields below and click "Submit Event" at the bottom of the page. Note: events will not show up immediately on the calendar as it must go through an approval process first.

Fill out the fields below in order to have your events listed in our online calendar. Please note: Your event will not automatically be added to the calendar once you click “Submit Event” at the bottom of the form. It will first go through an approval process to make sure that it contains all the information needed to be added. You will be notified if your event can not be approved.

Event Information


Event Recurrence

One Day Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly

No event recurrence, this event will occur only on the date shown above.

You can click the other buttons above to create a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly recurring event.

Event Description

Image must be in either a ‘jpg’ or ‘gif’ format and be less than 400px Wide and 400px High
Note: Bryan-College Station Convention and Visitors Bureau reserves the right to reject, modify and reuse all submitted images.

Your Information

( for internal use only )

* red fields are required.

Please enter the 4 character string shown in the box above:


1101 University Drive E
College Station, TX 77840

979.260.9898    |     800.777.8292
Fax: 979.260.9800

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© 2016 Bryan-College Station Convention and Visitors Bureau .

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